Shandong Wanyu Bearing Group Co., Ltd


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Metallurgical Industry

Hot rolling

Mainly used in: full-line equipment in the metallurgical industry, such as steel-making and iron-making equipment, continuous casters, hot-rolledlstrip mills, section steel mills, cold-rolled strip mills, Senkimir mills, bar and wire mills, high-speed wire guides, Cone box, cooling bed, etc.

Cold rolling

Mainly used in: full-line equipment in-the metallurgical industry, such as steel-making and iron-making equipment, continuous casters, hot-rolled strip mills, section steel mills, cold-rolled strip mills, Senkimir mills, bar and wire mills, high-speed wire guides, Cone box, cooling bed, etc.




Mainly used in: full-line equipment in the metallurgical industry, such as steel-making and iron-making equipment, continuasters, hot-rolledl strip mills, section steel mills, cold-rolled strip mills, Senkimir mills, bar and wire mills, high-speed wire guides, Cone loooling bed, etc.l


Mainly used in: full-line equipment in the metallurgical industry, such as steel-making and iron-making equipmens, contintous casters, hot-rolledl strip mills, section steel mills, cold-rolled strip mills, Senkimir mills, bar and wire mills, high-speet wire guides, cone box, cooling bed, etc.l

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